Monday, 10 June 2019

Why Joint Pain Cases Are Increasing In Numbers?

Acupuncture: Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese physical therapy for managing back pain. The method involves needles that are inserted at various pressure points on the body to relieve stress on the pained nerves and muscles.

The stimulation of pressure points also stimulates parts of the nervous system to provide instant relief from back pain. Though the rate of relief from acupuncture is reportedly very high, one treatment does not provide a permanent solution, and you may require long-term treatment for lasting results.

TENS: TENS, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, is another common and effective back pain treatment. The method involves the use of a TENS unit, a small device that consists of electrode pads, a microcomputer, wire leads and a battery. During this treatment, electrodes are placed on patient's skin over the painful area in the back and low-voltage current is sent to override the painful signals travelling to the brain, stimulate the sensory nerves and modulate the sensation of pain. TENS also facilitates the production of the body's own natural painkillers - endorphins and enkephalins.

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